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Thursday, March 21, 2013

thankful snapshots: being healthy

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

This tells me that my health & the way I treat my body is important to God & so it should be important to me too! 
We need food to give us nourishment & strength everyday. Food can be used to show love & service to others. And of course, food can easily be abused. It is something that we rely on to survive, yet at the same time we don't always treat it like it is as important as that. Sometimes I can be over indulgent. Sometimes I find myself just eating & not thinking much of it and I don't always come before God in thanksgiving for my food like should either... BUT to have fresh, healthy & yummy food is such a gift and I should be very thankful for it everyday! Honoring God with how I eat, taking care of myself & being thankful for my food & my health is the most important part of "being healthy"!
For a while now I have used My Fitness Pal (off & on) to help me keep track of what I eat. If you have never heard of it, it is a great resource to count your calorie intake & the calories you burn from exercise. It is great if you want to lose weight, but more than that, it has made me more aware of what I am actually eating & doing. You can use it online & you can download the app on your phone, which makes it even faster & easier to log foods, by just scanning the bar codes... I love it! I don't use it all the time, but if I notice that I am starting to eat more carelessly, then I know it's time to start using MyFitnessPal again!
I am not extreme when it comes to dieting or exercising. I don't kill myself in workouts, but instead I choose to do things that I genuinely love. I often do pilates-themed DVDs by Ellen Barrett, she is my favorite! I feel like her videos are perfect for me. I love to go on walks & play tennis too. I try to "do something" at least 3 times a week. And my sister is my workout buddy, which helps so much! 

Also, I don't put many restrictions on my eating, I just try to keep everything balanced. I really love healthy foods, but I also have a major sweet tooth & you probably know from my blog that I love to bake! So, for me it's all about keeping things balanced and using My Fitness Pal really helps with that. I am not in perfect shape, but that is not necessarily my goal anyway... I honestly just want to feel healthy & bring honor to God above all!
Earlier this week, I made a special treat for my Bible study ladies! It has one of my most favorite ingredients, LEMONS!! I can't wait to share the recipe with you soon, because it is amazing! 
It might not be healthy, but in moderation it is okay!  :)

1 comment:

  1. There's a really good book about this exact subject I've been reading called "Every Body Matters" by Gary Thomas. I highly recommend it! :)
