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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

{happy little things}

here are 5 things that make me happy... tulips in my pretty yellow vase. i took pretty photos of them too.

2.crisp spring mornings. every day this week my sister and i have gone for a brisk morning walk, with my doggie! the air is crisp & cool, the foggy-ness is amazingly beautiful, & of course it's good for us to get the exercise. i absolutely love these morning walks & i think, the doggie may love them even more!

3. "come away my beloved". i just started reading this devotional and it has already blessed me so much. written by Frances J. Roberts, it is full of wonderful words of encouragement. here is one of my favorite quotes from it, so far: "oh my soul, be anxious for nothing. it is enough that your Father loves you, He takes thought of your smallest need."
4.colorado rockies baseball. now that baseball has started up again, i have colorado rockies fever! i love watching the games & cheering for them! it is tons of fun! i can't wait to go see a game soon! go rox!!

5.dark chocolate raisinets. so yummy!!! & they have antioxidants, so that makes them a healthy snack!! right? haha! as long as i keep myself from eating too many at once, then i think i am good.


  1. and don't forget that dark chocolate is good for a healthy heart, and endorphins for a happy mood! (which is why I feel a little less guilty about my chocolate obsession :) )

  2. oh yes, of course!!! & dark chocolate is much more yummy than milk chocolate anyway! :)

  3. Just stumbled across your blog through {making it lovely}... so sad to have missed your spring giveaway, but loving this new discovery!!!
    Also encouraging to find a creative mind that gives a little credit to the One who really deserves it :)

  4. Elizabeth- i saw that you made it in time for the giveaway! yay!! & thank you for the sweet words! yes, i owe it all to Him!! :)
