but anyway, i have a more specific plan for this particular journal! i loved this design because when i first saw it i felt like it represented hope and optimism & i feel like that is how i try to live my life. {i really have to try on a daily basis...} that whole idea is why i decided to use the term "brightside"!! i love the idea of always looking on the brightside. always finding hope in life, no matter the circumstances. & all of that comes from faith in my Savior & it means a lot to me. so... i decided that i wanted this to be my "brightside" journal. where, at the end of my day/week, i look back, and no matter how good or bad it has been... i write all of the beautiful things, the blessings, the gifts from God that i can think of. sometimes it may be harder than other times, but i really think that if we are searching out God, he will reveal himself to us, in amazing ways. SO, that is the plan!
here is what the journal looks like:
{it reminds me of the story of Noah's ark, too}

& the inside looks so fun to write in... i can't wait!
