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Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 goals: Memorize Bible verses...

^ my verse from last week

As a Christian I base all of my beliefs on what the Bible says. It is God's Word that reveals His love & His plans for us! It brings joy, comfort, & encouragement to us in good times & bad. How can we know God if we never meditate on His Word! It is one of the most important things we have! The freedom that we have to read it any time we want is something we should never take for granted, yet I know I often do...

This year, I want to try much harder to memorize verses because I know how important it is! God wants us to read His Word daily, but He also wants us to know it, even if we don't have it open right in front of us. He wants us to cherish His words in our hearts, so that they will be with us always!

In the past I have never really tried to memorize verses because I have always struggled with it. But this year hopefully will be different. I will meditate on each weekly verse & to try my best to memorize it! Part of me still doubts that I can do this... but I have to remember, "with God all things are possible!" (Matthew 19:26)

I do plan to share my weekly verses on my blog, to help keep me accountable to this goal! Please join in if you'd like! :)

Here is my verse for this week...


  1. I love this!! I think I will make each verse you post the background on my computer to help me remember them!! Thanks for challenging me with this post!!

  2. such a great idea. last year i memorized romans 8, the whole chapter. it took forever and was really difficult but the effect it had on my life and my heart was great. definitely considering something like your plan of one a week.

  3. what a great idea & what an uplifting goal!


  4. Oh how I love that you are going to do this!! :) What a great first verse!

  5. I like the 1 Timothy 4:8 verse you selected. Over the years, I wish I had spent as much time focused on doing God's will as I have on trying to be healthier/more fit. Being healthy on the outside is of no use unless you are healthy on the inside and have an ever-abiding relationship with Christ. Debbie

  6. I love this verses..thanks to you who did this..God bless u always..

