The last couple of days have been "snow days" where I live... everyone loves a snow day!
Days filled with reading, movies, baking, games and of course, playing in the snow...
Days filled with reading, movies, baking, games and of course, playing in the snow...
Today and yesterday have been all of that for me!
My dog is not a fan of water (she despises baths) so it has always been funny to me how much
she loves to run around in the snow. As you can tell by the photos, she likes to eat snow and
get it on her nose... haha! I so love her cuteness and playfulness in these shots!
get it on her nose... haha! I so love her cuteness and playfulness in these shots!
These next photos were actually taken yesterday, when the storm was at it's worst.
Church was cancelled and it was too cold and blowing snow to spend much time outside.
We only lasted about 5 minutes and my dog was far more interested in staying inside...
Church was cancelled and it was too cold and blowing snow to spend much time outside.
We only lasted about 5 minutes and my dog was far more interested in staying inside...