there was a lot of christmas-y things going on over the weekend... i was hardly even home. on saturday, i went to a christmas play of "it's a wonderful life" with some family & friends!! the play was really cute! :)
on sunday, my church's choir presented our annual Christmas canatata! all of us in the choir put a lot of work into it & the preformances went so good! the music was was a big blessing to all of us! later that afternoon, our pastor hosted a Christmas party at his house! there was yummy Christmas goodies, pretty decorations, & singing Christmas songs. here are some pictures from my very fun weekend...
i love the pretty luminaries.
singing christmas carols.
my pretty sister. ♥
& here is a shot of my silver sparkle nail polish
that i wore for all the weekend's Christmas festivities!!
i love it!!!
& my friend & her cute little boy are visiting right now!
so, i got to hang out him last week!!!! & he is so cute!!! :)
& of course a really cute shot taken with my instax mini 25...

looks like you are in full Christmas mode! fun!