Wednesday, January 8, 2014

word for 2014 | f o c u s

 Here is one of the first photos I took in 2014 -- taken January 2nd. 
The sky was clear blue and the sun was shining, yet it was cold and the world around me was 
covered in frost. That kind of beauty is always good for my soul. Seeing it and capturing it 
inspires me. How God has created this world is a thing of great beauty and mystery.

* * *

Well, here we are at the beginning of a New Year, so I had to share a few thoughts on my blog. Like every year, there are a lot of  little "goals" that I have... For example, this year I am hoping to learn more about writing with my new calligraphy pens (Christmas gift). I want to push myself to be more creative. And of course, I have the typical goals of being healthier, reading more books & so on... Another goal, that is actually still on my list from last year (really all of them are)... is to finish some of my half-done knitting/crocheting projects. So, of course I have "goals" for this year! I always start off a year, with lots of plans & things I want to do, because a new year always inspires me, so it's easy to have a lot on my mind. It's all exciting and good, but it can also feel overwhelming. Often what I feel like I lack the most is focus...

One of the trends I have noticed in the past couple of years is choosing a positive word for the year. 
I love this idea, because it keeps things simple, more attainable. And if you chose the right word to be 
your "theme" for the year I think it can really benefit you in several areas of your life.

So... my word for 2014  ///  f o c u s

I decided that "focus" would be my word simply because I feel like God brought me to it.
I feel like God is trying to tell me that I simply need to "focus" on Him. All of my other goals and plans
 may work out or they may not... but either way it wouldn't matter if I was not focused on Him.
There is nothing wrong with goals, but if they are taking over my time & effort and
causing me not to grow in the Lord, than it's all in vain.

A couple of weeks ago in Sunday School, I was reminded of these two verses, which go right along 
with my theme, so I have decided to make these my 2014 "focus" verses...

My plan is to always come back to these verses! I will meditate on them and memorize them, as well as other verses that will help me to keep my "focus" on Him. If I get off track, which I probably will, I know that these verses will remind me where my focus needs to be. In addition to the reminders of my theme word and my verses, I will be reading through the Bible in a year, a little bit everyday, which I have never done before. I am certain that there is no better way to stay focused on Him and learn from Him than to read His Word everyday.

So, there is my only real goal for 2014... To "focus" on Him in all I do. To think on things above. 

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, 
and all these things will be given to you as well. 
Matthew 6:33

Do you have a word for 2014 or any special goals for the year?

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