Saturday, June 1, 2013

He goes before us.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; 
he will never leave you nor forsake you. 
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

---------------  Deuteronomy 31:8  --------------- 

A couple of weeks ago God reminded me of this verse. It is amazing how often God gives me verses that are just what I need to be focusing on in what I am going through at the time... A couple of weeks ago my family got the news that my mom has breast cancer. It is so upsetting to find out news like this... It's hard for me to even know what to say. BUT I can say that God has been SO good through this!! The most amazing news is that my mom's breast cancer was caught very early & is actually "Stage 0"!!! She also had some other tests that came back negative. I am so very thankful that this situation is not anywhere near as bad as it could be. Unfortunately, my mom will need surgery, but she wont need chemo!! Also, there have been several other things that God has clearly done through this. He has used people & situations to point her to an amazing doctor, who is a Christian. And several other little things!! It is so clear that He has gone before us!!

I have a tendency to be a bit of a fearful person, especially when it comes to things like this and I don't always trust in God like I should... Often I just worry. But God has given me peace & comfort through this! He has used this verse & other things I have read/heard recently to help me trust in Him more deeply & to not be afraid. It is a process that I am always working through, but I absolutely know that He is in it!

There are a couple of other amazing quotes that I have read recently that have encouraged me so much! 
While reading "Our Daily Bread" on May 25th, I came across this quote...
"Better to go through the storm with Christ than to have smooth sailing without Him."
And just recently I started reading "Fearless" by Max Lucado and one of the things he said really
stayed with me too..."Fear is unwilling to share the heart with happiness."
I just started reading it, but that book has already encouraged me so much in my life right now.
And I have found that there is so much truth in those two quotes.
God has given me so much peace. He is the only source of peace in my life.
He has already gone before me in this situation & in everything else that I will come up against in my life.
I can have peace, even in hard things, because I know that God goes before me & is with me in everything!
And I know that even if this situation had turned out much worse, God would still be there & He would still give me exactly what I would need! I would never make it in this life without my Savior!!!

My mom has her surgery on June 13th.
Of course, I would be so thankful for any prayers for her!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Judging from some of your Instagrams, I thought something like this might be going on, and I've been thinking of you lately.

    Fear is a huge struggle of mine as well, especially since becoming a mom. I really love the quotes you shared. I have to pray daily to overcome all my many (usually irrational) fears, and God has been so faithful and gives me such peace.

    I will be praying for your mom, and also for you. Keep us updated on how things go.

  2. Hey Sarah! So awesome to see the Lord working in how He reminds you of amazing verses! I've read "Do not fear" is in the Bible 365-which the Lord just knew that we needed to be reminded everyday! Fear/anxiety has been a struggle for me, but by His power and strength, we can conquer it!

    I will say a prayer for your mother tonight, dear sister. I know that is a hard thing to endure...

    Lots of love and hugs!

  3. Praying for your mom, but so thankful that it was caught so early! I struggle with anxiety as well, always thinking of the what ifs... I am always reminding myself of the verse, "Be anxious for nothing..."
