Monday, December 3, 2012

snapshots from lately

Over the weekend, my mom, sister & I were in a craft & bake sale. So, last week there was a lot of early Christmas baking going on!! 
Oh, so many cookies were made... Happily most of them were sold! :)
Favorite Christmas candies & watching Home Alone 2... I just love this time of year!
Bare tree branches against the blue sky... Winter is beautiful too! 
And... Photoshop Elements 11 was delivered to me over the weekend! Yay!
And today I entered a very fun Christmas giveaway over at one of my favorite blogs:
It's so generous of Arielle to give away such a fun collection of winter-inspired items! Everything looks so amazing!
I know many of you already follow her & have probably entered, but if not, be sure to visit her blog!
It is truly one of my favorites!!


  1. Looks like you're off to a jolly start! ;) Christmas baking is my favorite past-time of the holiday season, and I'm so looking forward to baking some batches of sugar cookies with my family. Mmm-Mmm! :9

    Take care!

  2. So many yummy cookies! I'm not much of a winter/Christmas person but maybe that'll change this year.
