Monday, April 16, 2012

spring rain & lilacs...

"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit."
James 5:18
I love the beauty of a spring rain! There is just something about it that feels magical...
 I love the way rain drops rest on leaves & how it makes everything feel so refreshed. 
 It doesn't usually rain much where I live, but it has rained a few times in the past week.
The land has been so dry & already the rain has helped... that has been such a blessing!
Also, the lilacs are blooming & they are my favorite, so I am especially happy!! 


  1. yes we surely need the rain!

    are those your lilacs? I have one small lilac bush and it's not quuuuiiite bloomed yet, but it's getting there. I can't wait for my Lilly Of The Valley, they are my fave!

  2. These photographs are just stunning! Did you take these?! Teach me your photo skills! hahaha

  3. Wow! They are beautiful! I would LOVE to have some lilacs around our place!

  4. lovely photos! I love the the color of purple. Talk about brighting my day up everyday if I had that in my yard!
