Friday, December 30, 2011

a new year is coming...

The other night we had one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen, a masterpiece of God!! The pinks & oranges were so bright & vivid, next to the dark blues... I had to capture it! I was so full of joy to see a such a gift from God. To see something that makes you stop everything & just gaze at the beauty & wonder... it's amazing!! How could people see something so beautiful & not know that it comes from Him...
(my sister pointed out a cross in this shot... do you see it?)

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Ecclesiastes 3
For some reason, whenever a New Year comes, I always think about this passage. 
(v. 1-2)
"There is a time for everything, 
& a season for every activity under the heavens,
a time to be born and a time to die, 
a time to plant and a time to uproot..." 

I know this is nothing new, but life is full of ups & downs & it's not always easy to explain why. Sometimes bad things just happen & we wonder how it could be a part of God's plan... Sometimes we put ourselves in bad situations & it's not God's plan at all... But the amazing thing is, even when bad things happen (whether it's our fault or not) God can & does use it for good! We need to trust His plan & timing, even though it's all unknown to us, because He is the one who sees the bigger picture. This has definitely been a challenge for me over the last year, but I have learned a lot too. The whole point is that God is with us through everything!
We are blessed, come what may!

As I thought about Ecclesiastes 3, I also thought about this song...
Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everythi by The Byrds on Grooveshark
I love old songs like this!! :)


  1. Well put and beautiful sunset photos. God has blessed us abundantly in the trials and triumphs...always a good reminder. I hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year!

  2. Oh my heart is happy to read such lovely words dear sweet friend! :) I could not agree with you more. What a great truth to know as we enter into a new year. I am a bit freaked...this is going to be a big year of change for me...but knowing that God is with me....such a peace moving forward. Love your heart!

  3. Beautiful photos and beautiful words. . .such an encouragement!! Thanks!! May 2012 hold all of God's best for you!
