Friday, November 25, 2011

give thanks to God...

Sisters on Thanksgiving Day!

What a great Thanksgiving it was!! & I have so much to be thankful for, everyday... The most amazing family I could ever hope for. A warm, safe home. Good food. Health & physical strength. Everything I need & so much more!!! But, even more than all of that, I am thankful for the grace & love of God! He has given me a hope & joy that could come from nothing or no one but Him. Thanksgiving is over, but give thanks to God today & everyday! Because being thankful always produces JOY!! :)

& here are some more photos from my Thanksgiving...

sparkling cider is my favorite!

my sisters rolls turned out amazing! 

the story of Thanksgiving!

of course, she is begging for turkey.

my brother & sister (he hates getting his picture taken...)

it was a beautiful day, in the 70s!

we played scattegories & i lost big time, but it was fun!

we had so many kinds of pie! & the best part is we have tons of left overs! 

we even played with sparklers before the night was over, haha! 

Thank you Jesus for a beautiful day with my family & such wonderful memories! 


  1. that pie looks so delish! what kind is it? it looks like apple pie to me:) yum! we had lots of desserts left over too...hooray! :) i've enjoyed a peice of popcorn cake already gooood<3
    happy thanksgiving! looks like yours was very blessed<3

  2. looks like a LOVELY thanksgiving!

  3. thanks for your sweet comment, love! mmm-mmm, i love me some apple pie:)
    popcorn cake is a favorite around our house! not many people have heard of it:) but if you make it and share it with someone, it's sure to be a hit! i found an online recipe if you would like to try it. here's the link:

  4. Love the last picture! I love Scattegories! Glad you had such an amazing time with the fam!
