Wednesday, November 3, 2010

mid-week encouragement!

my first-half of the week was not so fun...
i am adjusting to a new (harder) work schedule.
& i had to go to the dentist for a filling yesterday, not fun.
plus, some other things have been somewhat stressful lately...
honestly, i have just wanted to stay in bed lately, just like this:
{how pretty is this knitted blanket?? seen on the purl bee, i love it}

BUT today i am feeling more encouraged & refreshed...
i have been learning about the goodness of God this week.
{in a "fruit of the spirit" Bible study that I am in right now}
& it has given me true joy, even through some stuff that isn't the happiest...
life isn't always "good", but God is ALWAYS GOOD!!
& He always works in our lives, no matter what the circumstances are.
i am learning to trust in His goodness more, even when things around me aren't all perfect.
it's something that i need to work on everyday...
but when i do, He really blesses me!

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you
he will quiet you with his love
he will rejoice over you with singing.
-Zephaniah 3:17

I love that line, "he will quiet us with his love"...
it is so encouraging to me!

Hope you all are having a good week, so far!


  1. I love that verse!! And Yes, God is ALWAYS Good even when circumstances aren't good. I'm glad you were encouraged!! :)

  2. That is such a beautiful verse! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Great post Sarah! I know what those stay under the blanket days can be like. Thankfully looks like you have a fab blanket!

    The Lord is with us blanket day or good day. Whatever we feel like, just as we are. he loves us.


    x Claire
