Thursday, December 25, 2014

the Light of the world...

J E S U S ...
He came to us, for us, even in our sin. He came to this lowly place to live as we live, yet without sin, to take our sin upon Himself. He came to save us and give us hope. He is the Giver and the Gift. And the gift of His Love never fades, even when the Christmas lights do. He is the Light of the world always...

(Listened to this song a lot this Christmas season!)

I  hope  you  all  had  a  very
M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S !

(And here are some photos from last week, when I woke up to a glorious combination of snow, fog and sun...)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

a little bit of my Christmas...

Here are a few photos from this Christmas season, that I meant to post earlier... But here I am, sharing them late on Christmas Eve instead... this season always goes by too fast!!